Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride
For the past 25 years, Native American people have been riding, running and walking the route that Chief Bigfoot followed with his people, before they were massacred at the site of Wounded Knee in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. This year, to honor the 25th anniversary of the Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride and the 125th anniversary of the massacre, we inaugurate a 4 year cycle for global ceremony to end massacre and all that massacre means and to finally heal our hearts.
Wounded Knee becomes a focal point for healing ceremonies and activities to heal the multi-lineal, multi-generational wounds of humanity. Through ceremony and other healing modalities, we are engendering the healing process for indigenous and non-indigenous communities worldwide; by recognizing the core wounds of humanity, participating in ceremonies and activities of healing, and creating opportunities for everyone to heal…
25 Year Chief Big Foot Band Reunion Ride
We will be honoring the first 19 Chief Big Foot Band Memorial riders, who first made the trek on horseback to honor our ancestors. Starting in 1986-1990 they retraced the 7 day journey made by Big Foot’s people in 1890. Then in 1990 for the 100 Year Memorial of the massacre, these original riders were joined by walkers, runners, and hundreds more. The Walkers and Runners who journeyed in 1990 will also be honored. This pilgrimage to Wounded Knee has been repeated annually for the last 24 years. We invite riders, walkers, runners, and support volunteers to join with us on this year’s historic journey.
This year is historic.
We are hosting the 25th Bigfoot Band Memorial Ride. We expect hundreds of riders, walkers, runners, media and volunteer support staff. This will include a diverse group of people of all ages and from all over the world. For more information on how you can volunteer and support the ride, please click here.
Remembrance of the Big Foot Band Memorial Ride 1990