Global Ceremony Registration

Global Ceremony Sites

You are invited to join with us in a Global Wide Sacred Ceremony!  

This December 29th at 12 noon in your local time zone please enter into prayer and sacred space with us.  Together let us honor all who have fallen not only at Wounded Knee, but all of our beloved ancestors who have fallen throughout the millennia of global conflict.  Let us create a Global Wide Ceremony together wherein we begin the sacred journey to redress and heal our multigenerational and multi-lineal wounds. Moving Forward in a Sacred Way.

Our Vision:

Hand in hand, heart to heart, let us step forward together into this new millennium to engender Peace!  We envision a world in vibrant health, joyous abundance in balance with our earth with governance arising from wisdom, truth and justice, love and peace.

To register as a host and or a participant in either the local ceremony at Wounded Knee or one of the Global Ceremonies, complete the form below
If you are hosting a ceremony at a global location, be sure to  include your address or location and we will list your ceremony on our Global Interactive Ceremony Map.

If you have questions please email us at

Ceremony Registration is closed at this time.