Itinerary, Motels, Hotels, What to Bring
Fly into the biggest close by city:
Rapid City, SD.
It has many hotels and motels of all sizes. It has a good size jet airport.
Motels can be used during the Ride itself
If you have not registered yet, please go to the ride registration page to register for the ride.
There are motels in Wall, South Dakota that are reachable by automobile where people can stay on the first three nights of the ride:
Days Inn, Wall, SD +1 605-279-2000
Motel 6, Wall, SD +1 605-279-2133
Super 8, Wall, SD 1 605-279-2688
Sunshine Inn, Wall, SD +1 605-279-2178
Econo Lodge, Wall, SD +1 605-279-2121
Prairie Wind Hotel is 27 miles from Pine Ridge +1 605-867-6300
What to bring [There will be Port-a-Potties at all stops]
Clothing: Be prepared for Zero to Sub-zero degree weather most of the trip. It can get down to 10-20 degrees below zero, but hopefully not. One year during the night, it reached -40 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of -80 below.
Sleeping bags or bedding for temperatures listed above.
4-wheel drive support vehicles or cars with snow tires
Snacks for yourself. We will feed the entire trek, but it is not vegetarian.
Vegetarians, please bring your own protein sources.
Sorel boots or boots for snow and sub-zero weather, flashlights, extra toilet paper
Horses [for those riding]
Day One: December 22, 2015
Meet at Takini School, Bridger, SD, in the late afternoon. Plan to sleep on gymnasium floor overnight. If there are too many people for that site there is room for overflow at the community center in Bridger. Plan to circle up at 9am on December 23, 2015 for Ceremonies prior to heading out. If the weather is very bad and snowy, please make sure you are at Takini School on this day. The riders from Fort Yates [Riders honoring Sitting Bull who was killed on December 15th and who will start riding on that day]will already be there.
bring all your bedding and supplies for the entire trek
General Meeting for all participants
Community Supper
Plan to sleep on school gymnasium floor or sleep in your own accommodations, ie, camper, horse trailer, local resident
Day Two: December 23, 2015 Start from Bridger and arrive at Four Corners
Circle up at Bridger for the start of the Big Foot Memorial Ride [Almost all meals are served HOT]
Early HOT breakfast with entire community or on your own. Most riders eat very light during trek to make riding easier and bathroom breaks less
Have your horse, running shoes, walking boots, and yourself ready and circle up for morning ceremony at 9am.
We will stop for lunch and to feed and water the horses.
25-30 miles the first day!
Community Supper
Camp out in tents, campers, vehicles
Some can drive to local motels.
Be prepared to camp out or sleep in horse trailers, tents, vehicles….snow may prevent some distance travel to motels.
Day Three: December 24, 2015 Start from Four Corners and Arrive At Big Foot Pass
Community breakfast
Circle up for morning ceremony and plan to leave by 9am
Community lunch
Community Supper
22 miles second day
Camp out in tents, etc. Motels are reachable at night from this site.
Day Four: December 25, 2015 Start from Big Foot Pass and Arrive at Red Water
Community breakfast
Circle up for morning ceremony and leave by 9am
Community lunch
20 miles third day
Camp out inside High school Gymnasium in Kyle, South Dakota.
There is a local motel, Prairie Ranch. Make reservations early, it is not a big place. +1 605-455-2555
Day 5: December 26, 2015 REST DAY
Community Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
General meeting in the evening
Camp out in Kyle High school Gymnasium and motel
Pow Wow planned
Day 6: December 27, 2015 Start From Red Water and Arrive Red Owl Springs
Community breakfast
Circle up for morning ceremony by 9am
Community lunch
7 miles this day
Community Supper
Camp out in Kyle school gymnasium and motel
Day 7: December 28, 2915 Start from Red Owl Springs and Arrive Wounded Knee
Community breakfast
Circle up for morning ceremony by 9am
Community lunch
Ride into Wounded Knee
22 miles this day
Community Supper
Camp out in Porcupine school gymnasium
Honoring of the Original 19 Riders “Who started it all!”
Day 8: December 29, 2015 125th Year Memorial Ceremony for Massacre at Wounded Knee & Start from Wounded Knee and Arrive at Pine Ridge
Recognition of All Riders
19 miles this day
Community Supper
Stay in Pine Ridge. Pine Ridge High School Gymnasium
Prairie Wind Hotel is 27 miles from Pine Ridge +1 605-867-6300