Suggestions & Guidance for Ceremony

264723_370Suggestions & Guidance for Ceremony

For those who would like support for ceremony, here is a tentative outline and two offerings from Grandmother Flordemayo.  Please feel free to have candles, flowers, an alter, if you wish, or other objects to assist you in creating a sacred, respectful or reverential space.  And, please feel free to have as much music as you feel inspired to have throughout!  There are some groups who will have a drum, which represents the human heartbeat in communion with the universal heartbeat.  These are all suggestions and ideas for you and may lead you to your own inspirations.  Please do feel free to use and honor your own spiritual and/or non-traditional practices.
1.  In gathering, here is an opening prayer from Grandmother Flordemayo:
Grandmother FlordemayoAs we start with our ceremonial prayers
we gaze our vision to the East
we recognize the direction in our prayers and heart
greetings and gratitude
We move clockwise to the South
we repeat again
moving again to the West
and we repeat again
We move to the North
We repeat again
As we come come in completion of the 4 directions
We honor the Earth
By touching the floor
We then raise our hands to honor the Heavens
this way we have brought our self in the movement of the
The Heaves and Earth and the 4 direction
Love and Light,
Flordemayo, Universal Healer
2.  You may want now to invite the Ancestors of your location to invite their blessings and give them thanks for their sacrifices and send them your blessings as you do ceremony to honor them.  Or you may have other invocations that you will want to use.  This is very open to your own spiritual practice or calling.
3.  You may want now to share some of the history of your place and why you are holding ceremony there.   As an alternative, you may want to cite “Our Call” on Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee, as this is a universal mission to end war and massacre.  Or you may be inspired to do other things related to your site.
4.  Here is a special offering from Grandmother Flordemayo which came to her specifically related to these ceremonies:

Spiritual Conversation with the Beloved Mother
(December 21, 2015)

When we make the commitment to bring a Global Prayer together, the prayers from the heart is our vessel.  Think of the breath as the vehicle.  We then consciously move these (prayers) from the Earth to the Heavens; and in our hands we hold a stone.  The stone represents a tangible object that we will pour all of our prayers; our good thoughts, our wishes, and everything that we as humans want to turn around and move that is not serving a purpose in our lives at this moment.  Embrace the stone and pouring into this stone all of your unconditional love, hold it throughout the day, sleep with it at night and allow it to become one with you.

On December 29th, at noon, when humanity plants their prayers for the future you can place your sacred stone in a place on the earth and allow it to bring circles of healing in the four directions of Mother Earth.  Seeing and knowing that these circles will come together and build a web of healing energy around the world not only on the 29th, we will continue to see the healing and the changes so that it can continue.


Folks should get or pick up a stone from their local area today, the day of the Winter Solstice, or the first opportunity upon hearing about this. The stone represents a tangible object that we will pour all of our prayers, our wishes (see above).   If they already have a stone, they can use this stone as well.   Either way is fine.   Also, we can suggest that folks keep the stone with them until  December 29th if they wish.
5.  This may be a place for some personal sharing from participants for their history, hopes for the future, future plans,  or however they feel moved to share.
6.  Closing Prayers

Wounded Knee Ceremony and Big Foot Ride Update 12-19-2015

email-Ride-to-Wounded-Knee-53December 19,2015

Dear Healing Hearts Community!

We are nearing the day when The Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride departs from Bridger,SD.  Today we are bringing you our latest updates and sharing our Healing Hearts Mission and Vision to carry with us as we prepare for the coming week’s ride and ceremony at Wounded Knee.


Hand in hand, heart to heart, let us step forward together into this new millennium to engender Peace!  We envision humanity in vibrant health, joyous abundance in balance with our earth with governance arising from wisdom, truth and justice, love and peace.
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Walks With A Dream


Tucon-Saguaro_SunsetThe next day Walks With A Dream was up early and back on the road as he drove around Rose Bud Indian Reservation to view the area.

The blue sky was filled with puffy clouds and one cloud looked like a snake, and the figure reminded him of a healing. He knew that if there was a place to go for healing it was a place where American Indians, many of them unarmed Lakota men, women, and children were massacred by the 7th Calvary in 1890 with newly acquired Hotchkiss guns in 1890.

Walks With A Dream didn’t know the full history of Wounded Knee Continue reading

Morning Hymn for Seven Goddesses

Healing Hearts at Wounded KneeMorning Hymn for Seven Goddesses

For the Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee Global Ceremony, 2015

© Matthew J Whealton, Jr, 2015



This recording is a modern version of the Ancient Egyptian Morning Hymn, performed in Egyptian temples each day just before dawn to awaken the Gods and Goddesses within them. There are a number of ancient examples of these hymns known from throughout Egyptian history. The Temple examples are late, from the 6th century B.C.E to the Roman Period.  The earlier versions were used in other contexts as well – from funeral rituals to royal investitures.

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Wounded Knee Ceremony and Big Foot Ride Update 12-14-2015

Healing the Generations
Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee Update:
December 14, 2015
Healing the Generations


Thus, we do Pledge to end War
Thus, we do Pledge to end Massacre
Thus, we do Ceremony to thank and honor all who have died in War in War & Massacre
Thus we do Ceremony to invite the Sacred to inspire and walk with us, guide our paths
Thus we do Ceremony to Honor and Treasure All Life
Thus we do Ceremony to Celebrate the Gift of our Families
Thus we do Ceremony to Honor and care for all Future Generations
Thus we do Ceremony to Honor our Earth & her Treasury of Creation
Thus do we Honor Creator, profound Deep

Dear Ceremony Companions and Supporters!

Percy White Plume (Grandfather and Ride Overseer) hosted the final planning meeting for the 25th Reunion Ride of the Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Riders yesterday afternoon on the Pine Ridge Reservation in Manderson, SD near Wounded Knee. Along with the great planning, we shared Indian Fry bread, coffee, and delicious Menudo soup! All is coming together in a sacred way!
For all our community of supporters and particularly for those who are hosting Ceremony with us across the United States and around the world, here is our plan for communication and support: Continue reading